How can I be more mindful?
Three simple things that can be done to slow down your day and become more mindful.
In this fast paced society it is far to easy to get caught up in a busy lifestyle. Too busy where you have no moments to stop, slow down, and center yourself. Keep reading for my favorite tips to being more mindful.
Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment. It is important to be at peace with yourself, open to giving and receiving love and being happier with your day.
Deep breathing is when you inhale, to fill your lungs as much as you can and letting your belly rise. Studies have shown that deep breathing allows a full oxygen exchange to occur. This slows your heart rate and can lower your blood pressure.
Inhale through your nose and count to four. Hold and count to two. And now exhale counting to six. Repeat this at least three times. This exercise will help ground your mind and bring you back to the present moment.
2. Journaling.
I am a big believer in the benefits of journaling. Every night I write about my day. What I am thankful for, what could have been better and how I will improve tomorrow. Journaling is a way for your mind to decompress.
Journaling will not only help you sleep better, but it is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.
Stretching is a simple mindful activity. You can stretch at any time, any where and it requires no special equipment.
Stretching helps to keep your muscles flexible, strong, and healthy. As you stretch try and hold for twenty seconds and repeat three times. Stretching should never cause pain. Stretching causes you to slow down and focus on your breathing and the movement.
The link below are some stretches that I do every day:
Always consult your health care provider before making any changes.
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